Basic Spanish vocabulary

Spanish vocabulary with pronunciation

If you click through to the pages below, you will find lists of words providing basic Spanish vocabulary for various topics, presented both in English-Spanish and Spanish-English language pairs.

Useful! You can listen to the pronunciation (by a native speaker) of each word in the glossaries.


You should also check out the "Audio and transcripts" page for yet another large collection of basic words and useful expressions


Colors in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Family in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Family and relatives
Numbers in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Time, days, months in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Time, days, months
Animals in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Adjectives in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Adjectives and attributes
Clothes in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Countries and languages in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Countries and languages
Sports in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Food and drink in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Food and drink
Jobs in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Fruits and vegetables in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Fruits and vegetables
The home in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
At home
Body parts and organs in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Body parts and organs
The town in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
The town
Business and economy in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation
Business and economy
Politics in Spanish - vocab + pronunciation

Additional notes

These word lists are not intended to be as thorough as dictionary listings.

Their purpose is to help you learn the basics, which means you will not find each and every meaning of a particular word or expression - only the one considered most important for a beginner.

Spanish nouns have a gender and a corresponding article (either "el" or "la", or in the plural, "los" or "las"). It is worth consulting our section on basic gender rules.

There is an important supplement for the vocabulary pages in the "Word practice" menu.

It has the same topics as here but, instead of lists, an interactive tool (a bit like flashcards) will help you practice the words and keep a score for you.

So you can either start to learn the words here or go on to practice them there.

If you find mistakes, please let us know. Thank you.

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